- 9 -
been programmed, the “Module Enable” bit defined within the Bit Set
/ Bit Clear CSRs is used to enable the AVME9675. The AVME9675
will then respond to its defined address space as initialized by
The defined Control/Status Register (CSR) area is specified
from 0x7FC00 through 0x7FFFF for a total of 256 usable locations.
The locations from 0x7FC00 to 0x7FFFF are specified in Table 3.2.
Table 3.2: Control/Status Register (CSR) Memory Map
CSR Address
[MSB ………LSB]
Example Data
1 byte
Base Address Register
The address is set by
Addressing and is the
base address which
provides access to the
CR/CSR space.
Board is Slot 3
1 byte
Bit Set Register
Bit-4 (when set) is used
to enable the
AVME9675 to respond
to data accesses
starting from the base
address (programmed
in the CSR Function 0
ADER). Upon read, bit-
4 will indicate the
current status (0 for
disabled, 1 for enabled).
All other bits of this
register have no effect.
1 byte
Bit Clear Register
Bit-4 (when set) is used
to disable the module
from responding to data
accesses starting from
the base address
(programmed in the
CSR Function 0
ADER). Upon read, bit-
4 will indicate the
current status (0 for
disabled, 1 for enabled).
All other bits of this
register have no effect.
33 bytes
0x7FFF3 to 0x7FF73
Unimplemented or
4 bytes
0x7FF63 to 0x7FF6F
Function 0 Address
Decoder Compare
(ADER) Register.
This register contains
the base address of the
AVME9675 carrier and
IP module registers and
the address modifier
code 0x29 or 0x2D.
Short I/O
Address set to
FC00 and
Modifier 0x29
216 bytes
0x7FC00 to 0x7FF5F
The CSR locations can be modified after the module goes “on-
line.” Access to the CSR is compatible with the D16 or D08(0)
access method and utilizes only every fourth byte. All
unimplemented locations in the defined CSR area will be read as
The CR/CSR Base Address Register (BAR) will be set to the
address corresponding to the geographic address (slot) the card is
plugged into. For example, if the card resides in slot 3 then the BAR
will automatically be set to 0x18 which corresponds to the
geographic address of slot 3 per section 3.2.11 of the VME64x
standard. The AVME9675 will parity check the geographical
address. If bad parity is detected, the local address will be set to
decimal 30 (0x1E) as recommended by the VME64x standard.
The base address of the AVME9675 carrier and IP module
registers is defined by system software and is written into the CSR
Function 0 Address Decoder Compare (ADER) register along with
the address modifier. Address modifiers 0x29 (A16 non-privileged
access) and 0x2D (A16 supervisory access) are supported. After
the base address is written, the AVME9675 can be enabled for data
transfers by setting enable bit-4 of the Bit Set register to a logic “1”.
The AVME9675 cannot be addressed until the CSR Function 0
ADER register has been programmed.
Some IP modules require mapping into VMEbus A24 standard
address space to support IP modules with up to 8Mbytes of IP
module memory. Mapping of an IP module into A24 standard
address is not implemented via the CR/CSR registers. However, the
AVME9675 can be enabled for A24 standard access via the
AVME9675 control registers as is decribed in IP Memory Enable
Register section of this chapter. When properly enabled for IP
module memory space, the AVME9675 will then respond to both
address modifiers 0x3D and 0x39.
The AVME9675 carrier and IP module register space is
addressable on 1K byte boundaries in the Short I/O (A16) Address
Space. The 1K byte of memory consumed by the board is
composed of blocks of memory for the I/O and ID spaces of up to
four IP modules. The rest of the 1K byte address space is unused,
or contains registers or memory specific to the function of the carrier
IP module slots C & D are not supported, in the AVME9675-2
model because their mounting and field I/O access (P0)
connectors are not present. However, the address space of IP
module slots C and D is still allocated in the following memory
The base address of the AVME9675 carrier and IP module
registers is defined by system software and is written into the CSR
Function 0 Address Decoder Compare (ADER) register as
described in the CSR section. The memory map for the AVME9675
is shown in Table 3.3A. The addresses given in Table 3.3A are
given as offset addresses. They are relative to the ADER register.
An absolute address in the AVME9675 carrier and IP module space
is created, by adding the offset address to the ADER base address.
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