3.2 Continuous Simultaneous acquisition and Readout (CSR)
U5303A User's Manual
3.2 Continuous Simultaneous acquisition and
Readout (CSR)
The purpose of the CSR option is to acquire and read an uninterrupted stream of acquired samples, at
the highest possible data rate (up to 1.2 GS/s in standard mode or up to 2.4 GS/s in 8-bit mode).
Compared with standard acquisition mode, CSR allows real-time processing without loss of samples.
Functional description
The Continuous Simultaneous acquisition and Readout (-CSR) implements a firmware function and a
SW API which allows the user to readout multiple streams while the acquisition is still running. CSR is
only available with the standard digitizer mode (DGT).
Standard acquisition vs. CSR acquisition
With the
standard acquisition and readout
mode the duration of the acquisition is limited by the
digitizer internal buffer memory size. The readout of the data is performed after the acquisition has
stopped. The acquisition data rate supported is up to the maximum allowed by the ADC card.
In a
Continuous Simultaneous acquisition and Readout
(CSR) the readout of the data is
performed simultaneously to the acquisition. The data rate that can be sustained without overflow is
limited by the PCIe sustained throughput on the target system. There is no gap in the acquisition.
Figure 3.3 -
Acquisition and readout sequence with CSR mode.