2.2 Real-time averaging mode (AVG option)
Acqiris SA230E User's Manual
Single accumulation of N records
Multi-record mode: possibility to perform successive accumulations of N record each. The trig-
ger re-arm time between sequences is ~ 100 ns.
Streaming: combined with the averaging mode (AVG), the CST option allows to readout pre-
viously averaged record while performing a new accumulation. This mode enables multiples
and successive averaging sequences without missing any trigger. See
ultaneous acquisition and readout (AVG & CST) (page 47)
User can define a post-trigger delay. The pre-trigger delay is not supported in averager mode.
The number of potential trigger lost between two acquisitions (single or multi-records) depends on
several factors:
The read time of the previous averaging sequence, depending on the number of samples to
transfer and mainly on the PCIe connection and PC multitasking activity..
The time to initiate the next acquisition.
The function simultaneous acquisition and readout (CST) can be combined with the averager mode,
removing the above limitation and reducing the time between averaging sequences. See
simultaneous acquisition and readout (AVG & CST) (page 47)
Noise suppressed accumulation (NSA)
In some applications, such as time-of-flight spectrometry, the signal is a rare event sitting on top of a
noisy baseline and the averaging process reduces the random noise.
As a consequence, to enhance the acquisition module ability to detect such signals in the presence of
synchronous noise, the averaging firmware allows the user to set a Threshold that must be exceeded
for each data value to be entered into the sum. Furthermore, the noise base can be subtracted from
each data value above threshold before the accumulation is done (See Figure below). The noise base
should always be equal or smaller than the threshold.
Figure 2.5 -
Signal detection using noise suppressed accumulation.