3.3 Averager with simultaneous acquisition and readout (AVG & CST)
Acqiris SA230E User's Manual
3.3 Averager with simultaneous acquisition and
readout (AVG & CST)
The combination of averaging mode and streaming feature (AVG & CST options) allows signal
acquisition, real-time averaging and data readout simultaneously, avoiding trigger loss.
The features specific to the averager mode are the same (maximum number of average, baseline
correction, max record size, triggering, …) — see detail in section
The addition of simultaneous acquisition and readout feature (CST) on top of real-time averaging,
enables minimal dead time between accumulations.
Functional description
The architecture is based on simultaneous acquisition and readout (CST), and enables simultaneous
real-time averaging and transfer of accumulated records to host processor.
Acquisition sequence
As illustrated below, the successive records of a sequence are accumulated. The readout of the
resulting "accumulation record" is performed during the next averager accumulation. The readout can
be performed as soon an "accumulation record" is acquired.
Sequence in AVG and CST mode
Figure 3.6 -
Acquisition and readout sequence in AVG+CST mode.