Device Output Tuning Bar
A tuning bar feature exists on the device. However, the
appearance of the tuning bar on the treatment run screen,
is optional.
To turn off the tuning bar, enter the Systems Settings
menu from the Home screen. Once in the Systems
Settings menu press Device Output Tuning.
Press tuning bar ON and it will change to OFF. The
tuning bar will no longer appear on the run screen.
Using Tuning Bar
Place the head in an upward facing position toward the ceiling.
Enter the systems settings menu from the Main Menu screen. Once in the Systems Settings menu press Device
Output Tuning. To optimize the energy output:
Press the START button below. Gradually turn the Tuning Knob on the applicator head to display the most amount
of green and the least amount of yellow on the bar below. Press DONE when complete
Tuning POP-UPs
Output Tuning is Recommended (>10% variance)
If the Output tuning is greater than >10% variance,
but less than < 20%, an
“Output tuning is recommended” caution will pop –up
on the screen.
User has the option to select IGNORE to continue
without tuning, or TUNE to be taken to the Device
Output Tuning screen.
When IGNORE is selected, user is brought back to
previous screen, and allowed to continue treatment.
If TUNE is selected, user is taken to Device Output
Tuning screen. Press the START button below.
Gradually turn the Tuning Knob on the applicator head
to display the most amount of green and the least
amount of yellow on the bar below. Adjust the tuning
dial for minimum reflected power, while achieving
forward power as close to 200 watts as possible. The
goal for reflected power is less than or equal to 2 watts,
but anything less than 10 watts is acceptable. Press
DONE when complete.