Read and Save These Instructions
Form 613083
For the PVD with hurricane construction that complies with
Florida Building Code including High Velocity Hurricane
Fans should be installed and serviced by qualified personnel
only. Improper installation can result in electric shock,
possible injury due to coming in contact with moving parts, as
well as other potential hazards.
1. Follow all local electrical and safety codes, as well as
National Electrical Code (NEC) and the National Fire
Protection Agency (NFPA), were applicable.
2. Disconnect electric power before working on unit (prior to
removal of guards or entry into access doors).
3. Follow proper lockout/tag out procedures to ensure the
unit cannot be energized while being installed or serviced.
4. Ensure the power cable does not kink or come in contact
with oil, grease, hot surfaces or chemicals. Ensure the
power source is compatible with the equipment.
5. Air that is allowed to move through a non-powered fan will
allow the propeller to rotate, which is referred to as wind-
milling. Impellers should be blocked to prevent rotation
when installing or servicing the fan.
Immediately upon receipt of a shipment, carefully inspect
for damage and shortage. Turn the impeller by hand to see
that it turns freely and does not bind. If any damage and/or
shortage is detected or suspected, the carrier must be asked
to conduct an inspection. The consignee’s representative
should not accept a shipment without a notation on the
delivery receipt indicating items not delivered or the apparent
extent of damage.
When a shipment is opened and damage is found which was
not evident externally (concealed damage), it is mandatory
that the consignee request an immediate inspection by the
carrier. Report any damage to the carrier within 15 days.
Failure to report damage within the above time limit will result
in rejection of a claim.
When handling fans and their accessories, always use
equipment and methods that will not cause damage. Fans
should be lifted using slings and padding or spreaders to
avoid damage.
Always make sure that all lifting and handling
equipment and techniques conform to current safety
Avoid lifting fans in a way that will bend or distort fan parts.
Never pass slings or timbers through the orifices of fan.
Do not lift by the fan hood. Fans with special
coatings or paints must be protected in handling to prevent
Fans are protected against damage during shipment. If
they cannot be installed and put into operation immediately
upon receipt certain precautions are necessary to prevent
deterioration during storage. Responsibility for integrity of
fans and accessories during storage must be assumed by the
user. The manufacturer will not be responsible for damage
during storage. These suggestions are provided solely as a
convenience to the user, who shall make his own decision as
to whether to use any or all of them.
The ideal storage environment for fans and
accessories is indoors, above grade, in a low humidity
atmosphere which is sealed to prevent the entry of blowing
dust, rain, or snow. Temperatures should be evenly maintained
at between 70°F and 105°F (wide temperature swings may
cause condensation and “sweating” of metal parts). Windows
should be covered to prevent temperature variations caused
by sunlight. Provide thermometers and humidity indicators at
several points and maintain the atmosphere at 40% relative
humidity, or lower.
It may be necessary to use trays of renewable desiccant or
portable dehumidifier to remove moisture from the air in the
storage enclosure.
Thermostatically controlled portable heaters (vented to
outdoors) may be required to maintain even temperatures
inside the enclosure.
Provide fire extinguishers, or fire alarms, or
emergency response communication to protect building and
equipment against fire damage. Be sure that building and
storage practices meet all local, state and federal fire and
safety codes.
The following fans or accessories must be stored indoors, in
a clean dry atmosphere:
a. Propeller wall fans not in wall housings.
Models PVD
To include optional suffixes:
EC-Electronically Commutated Motor, H-Hurricane Rated, HEC-Hurricane Rated with EC Motor