To this end, it must be ensured (mechanically) that both switches reliably within a period
of 150 ms.
Alternatively for the use of potential-free safety switches, it is possible to use a safety relay
based on Performance Level e with appropriate wiring in accordance with the manufac-
turer's specifications.
Please use a shielded, four-wire cable with a wire cross-section of at least 4 x 0.5 mm
connect the interlock circuits and connect the diaphragm located on the plug connector of
the laser marking device to connector housing and earth (pin 5).
Pin 9
24 V, max. 100 mA, short-circuit proof
Pin 5
Reference for SD-READY
When the laser safety device (SD) is ready for operation, pin 9 carries 24 V against pin 5.
Connecting a suitable indicator light or a switching element allows readiness for operation
and absence of errors in all safety-relevant components to be signalled to the user, re-
spectively the overriding control.
For connection, please use a shielded, two-wire cable with a wire cross-section of at least
2 x 0.5 mm
and connect the diaphragm located on the plug connector of the laser mark-
ing device to connector housing and earth (pin 5).
If possible, the end points of connected cables should also be connected to earth, respec-
tively earth potential (protective conductor).