Opening the interlock circuits will immediately cause the diaphragm to swivel into the
beam path, thus interrupting the laser process.
In the event of the following errors:
Exceeding the defined time period of 200 ms upon opening or closing the diaphragm,
Short circuit or interruption of the interlock circuits,
Exceeding the defined time period of 150 ms upon switching the two interlock circuits,
Overvoltage or undervoltage in the SD power supply,
Internal SD error
in addition to closing the diaphragm, the protective relay is switched off, thus disconnect-
ing the entire laser marking device from the power supply. Only the laser electronics con-
tinues to be supplied with power, thus allowing communication with the user application;
hence, display or analysis of the error cause.
A system that was switched off due to an error can be put into operation again only by
switching it off and on again, provided that the error cause has been removed.
The SD checks all safety-relevant features upon switching on the laser marking device.
Only in the absence of errors will the protective relay be activated, thus starting up the la-
ser marking device. If the SD detects errors in the instant of switching on, then these will
also be forwarded to the user application via the laser electronics.