Fans do not turn on automatically upon cooking
equipment activation.
Check wiring to control panel. Thermostats must
be wired in parallel.
• Temperature set point to high, decrease set point
• No power to fans, check breakers/starters/relays
Fans do not shut off.
• Fan switch must be in the off position
• Cooking equipment hot, wait for it to cool
• Temperature set point too low, increase set point
Check control circuit (fan starter) wiring
• Time delay too great, turn down timed relay
Fans do not turn on quick enough.
• Decrease temperature set point
Clean thermostat with cloth and degreaser. Keep clean
for best performance. (Can clean weekly depending
upon grease accumulation).
Dependant on grease production and grease filter type,
clean thermostat.
May have to change temperature setting on back of
thermostat if ambient kitchen temperatures fluctuate
between summer and winter seasons.
Whom to call
Contact your local Accurex representative.
What to have ready for the call
Sales order, serial number and description of product.
Sales Order Number ________________________
Serial Number ______________________________
Temperature Interlock