V: 1.0 Revised: Jan. 2018
Chapter 4: Functions and Software
4.2.5 Demand
Demand supports four kinds of calculation modes:
• Sliding Block Method
Set a 1-30min window time, which is the calculation time of demand. The window slides once
per minute and updates the demand value at this time.
• Fixed Block Method
Set 1-30min as a demand calculation cycle. The whole cycle calculates the demand once. This
means that the demand update time is equal to the demand calculation cycle.
• Rolling Block Method
Set 1-30min as a demand calculation cycle and 1 slip time. The demand cycle must be integer
multiples of the slip time. It calculates 1 cycle’s demand at the end of the slip time. The de-
mand update time is equal to the slip time.
• Thermal Demand Method
Set 1-30min as a calculation cycle. In the whole cycle, the demand is calculated just once.
This means that the demand update time is equal to the demand calculation cycle.
You can see the Demand calculations in the red box of the figure below. Under the dropdown
menu in “Compute Mode” is where you can find the four different methods mentioned above.
Figure 4-8 the Demand Calculation Modes in the General Settings of AcuRev1310 Utility Software