V: 1.0 Revised: Jan. 2018
AcuRev 1310
DIN-Rail Power Meter
If the slot is filled inappropriately then the TOU function will be disabled
• The start date into the TOU Season slot is in the following format: “MM-DD-ID”
• MM stands for month
• DD stands for date
• ID represents the TOU schedule (1-8)
The dates should be organized in chronological order (The earliest date comes first and
the later date follows). Entering the dates in the wrong order will cause the TOU function to be
Fill in the appropriate slots under the “Holidays” setting based on the number in the “Holiday
Setting”. If the “Holiday Setting” is set as 3 then only the first 3 slots of the “Holidays” must be
filled in otherwise the TOU function will be disabled.
• Enter the date of the Holiday in the Holiday schedule slot in the following format “MM-DD-ID”
• MM stands for month
• DD stands for date
• ID represents the TOU schedule(1-4)
The dates of the Holiday schedules do not need to be organized in chronological order.
TOU Schedules
Each TOU schedule is represented by a 24 hour cycle. Fill in the appropriate slots in the TOU
schedule based on the number in the “Schedule Settings”. If the “Schedule Setting” is set as 8
then all of the “TOU Schedules” must be filled in.
The amount of slots to fill in each TOU Schedule depends on the “Segment Setting” parameter.
If the “Segment Setting” parameter is set as 3 then the first 3 slots in each TOU Schedule must
be set, otherwise the TOU function will be disabled.
• Enter the start time into the TOU Schedule slot in the following format “HH-MM-ID”
• HH stands for hour in 24 hour format
• MM stands for minutes
• ID represents the tariff to follow (1-8)
The time should be organized in chronological order (The earliest time comes first and the later
time follows).
Entering the time in the wrong order will cause the TOU function to be disabled