Within each Action-list you can create multiple Actions. You can create up to 64 Actions system-wide
and maximum 48 per list. For each Action you specify when it will be triggered and which Tasks it will
perform when that trigger occurs.
To change the details of an action, select it and press the EDIT button. This will open the Action page.
For most types of actions you can set the Sank. For example when editing a GPI action, it will be
triggered only on closing the contact (also known as 'normally open') when the speci;er is set to
DOWN. When set to UP, the action will be only trigger on opening the contact (a.k.a. 'normally closed').
Finally, when the speci;er is set to CHANGE, the action will be triggered on both closing and opening of
the contact.
Specify the exact trigger on which to execute the tasks. In the case of a GPI action, the trigger denotes
the trigger port number (there are 4 ports on the Art SSC).
You can specify up to 8 Tasks per Action and a maximum 128 Tasks in total. When triggered, the Tasks
are performed in the same order as they are listed in the Action. Tasks can control various elements and
protocols in the Art SSC, such as DMX, MIDI, Art-Net, OSC, Lighting Console's Cues, playback of
recordings. Tasks can also be used to trigger other Actions, enable or disable action-lists and start/stop
the internal time-code.
Because a Task can do a wide variety of things they are organized in diFerent Task 'Types'. When adding