7. Limitation of visibility
For reliable health, colic and birth alarms as well as accurate reports, it
is absolutely necessary that only one horse or one mare and its foal are
in the field of view. You can easily limit the field of vision via the app
about 20 minutes after installation. Please open
Setup“ > "General settings" > "Customize guard view area"
in the app or through the dashboard.
Here you can restrict the field of view to the right, left, top and bottom
and hide corners.
First, select the desired direction and then click on the image. The
selected areas of the image are then highlighted in black. Clicking on
the image again enlarges the selected, restricted area. Keep clicking
the image until you black out the area you want.
You also have the option of hiding corners. To do this, click on three
dots in the image. The enclosed area is then marked in black and
hidden. You can remove the last hiding using the Undo button.
For final confirmation, first click on "Save" and finally on "Close". If you
want to discard the changes, simply click on Close without saving!
The guard will apply the changes after about 10 minutes (the live
stream is not available during this time). You can change this setting at
any time.
Limit field of view“ in the ACARiS app