11.6.1. General
Camera name:
enter a name here (max. 32 characters). Forbidden characters are: / \ :
* ? ' " < > | %
Export configuration:
exports the entire camera configuration into a file.
Import configuration:
imports a previously exported configuration of the same camera type.
Reset settings:
resets the camera to factory settings (except network settings and user
data). Selecting "Include network" also resets these settings.
11.6.2. Firmware/restart
Firmware/remote upgrade:
This function can be used to update the camera's firmware. First,
download the current firmware from the ABUS website. The "Search"
button can be used to select this file for updating. Press the "Upload"
button to start the update.
Press the "Reboot" button to complete the restart manually.
Reboot schedule:
enables scheduled reboot. The reboot can be carried out every x days
at a certain time.