86 FTP
Server Address:
IP address of the FTP server
FTP server port
User name:
user name for the FTP server account
anonymous access to the FTP server (server must support this)
password for the FTP server account
Password confirmation
Directory Structure:
Select the save location for the uploaded data here. You can
choose between "Save in the root directory."; "Save in the parent
Save in the child directory
Parent directory:
This menu item is only available if
Save in the parent directory
Save in the child directory
was selected under Directory
Structure. You can select the name for the parent directory here.
The files are saved in a folder on the FTP server.
Choose between 'Use Device Name', 'Use Device Number' and
'Use Device IP address'.
Child directory:
Select the name for the child directory here. The folder is created
in the parent directory. You can choose between 'Use Camera
Name' or 'User Camera Number'.
Image archiving interval:
Options: OFF, 1-30 days
This value specifies how often a new folder is created for storing
the images on the FTP server (example: value 1 -> a new folder
for the storage of the images is created every day).
Ensure that the user created on the FTP server has rights to
create folders.
Image name:
Default: IP_Kamerakanal_Zeitstempel_Ereignistyp.jpg
Custom prefix: Prefix_ID_time stamp_Ereignistype.jpg
Upload picture:
Select 'Upload Picture' to upload pictures to the FTP server.
Button for testing the FTP settings