SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol)
The SNMP protocol enables central network management of network components.
Enable SNMPv1:
enable the SNMPv1 function
Enable SNMPv2:
enable the SNMPv2 function
Write SNMP Community:
SNMP Community string for writing
Read SNMP Community:
SNMP Community string for reading
Trap Address:
IP address of the TRAP server
Trap Port:
Port of the TRAP server
Trap Community:
TRAP Community string
Enable SNMPv3:
Enabling of SNMPv3
Read UserName:
Allocate user name
Security level:
auth, priv: no authentication, no encryption
auth, no priv.: authentication, no encryption
no auth, no priv.: No authentication, encryption
Authentication algorithm:
Select authentication algorithm: MD5, SDA
Authentication Password:
Password assignment
Private-key Algorithm:
Select encryption algorithm: DES, AES
Private-key password:
Password assignment
Write UserName:
Allocate user name
Security level:
auth, priv: no authentication, no encryption
auth, no priv.: authentication, no encryption
no auth, no priv.: No authentication, encryption
Authentication algorithm:
Select authentication algorithm: MD5, SDA
Authentication Password:
Password assignment
Private-key Algorithm:
Select encryption algorithm: DES, AES
Private-key password:
Password assignment
SNMP Port:
Network port for the SNMP service QoS
QoS determines the data flow between two network components on the basis of quality
DSCP - Differentiated Service Code Point
Video/Audio DSCP:
DSCP value for video/audio data
Event/Alarm DSCP:
DSCP value for event/alarm data
Management DSCP:
DSCP value for the communication data