Uniswitc h Operation a nd
Mainte na nc e Manua l
UNI S14GB 05-02
1.3 Service conditions
1.3.1 Normal service conditions
Normal service
The switchgear is intended for use in normal indoor service conditions
as defined in Table 1.1 from the relevant IEC standards. If the
conditions where the switchgear are to be installed deviate from the
normal service conditions defined in the IEC standards (IEC 60694), it
has to be agreed separately with the manufacturer.
Table 1.1
Normal indoor service conditions according to IEC standards.
Ambient air temperature
Maximum 24 h average temperature
+ 35°C
Minimum 24 h average temperature
- 5°C
Recommended (minimum)
+ 5°C
Altitude above sea level
Maximum 1000
Conditions of humidity
Average value of relative humidity (24 h)
95 %
Average value of relative humidity (1 month)
90 %
The ambient air must not be significantly polluted by dust, smoke,
corrosive and/or flammable gases, vapors or salt.