Commissioning preparation
Commissioning is the last phase necessary to get the Terra DC Wallbox operational. The purpose is to
check the safe functioning of the charger for its operational purpose.
A certified service engineer from the ABB Service department or a trained engineer by ABB is required to
perform the commissioning. During this commissioning, the safety and the functioning of the charger
will be tested. ABB Form Titled “
SI-TWBUL-001 UL CSAT Procedure Terra DC Wallbox
”, (Charger System
Acceptance Test) should be used for the commissioning process as it contains the checklist and contact
information for activation of the charger warranty.
Before the service engineer can start, the following conditions must be met:
All work described in Preparation, Construction and Placement and connection is complete with
Power available.
A local technician is present for assistance and to switch on the power.
Internet access must be available in case 4G is not functional.
A Combo compliant electric vehicle must be available for testing CCS charging.
A CHAdeMO compliant electric vehicle must be available for testing the CHAdeMO charging.
Any electric vehicle for instructing the site operator.
Warranty : It is not allowed to move the Terra DC Wallbox, after it is
commissioned. In case the Terra DC Wallbox is moved without ap-
proval from ABB, the warranty will be considered void. In case of re-
location please contact the local ABB Service department.
Commissioning is executed according to the CSAT checklist, this check list can be found in the Helios
Suite Service tool that is available to the certified commissioning engineers or their supervising ABB or-
ganization. The following data is required for input:
End-user Contact person (Create a contact if it doesn’t exist).
Charger address (Check the site address, it will be the address the charger was shipped to).
Coordinates longitude and latitude for plots on the maps. If there are more chargers on 1 loca-
tion, make sure the coordinates are slightly different (at least 0,0001 degrees) to prevent being
displayed on the same location.
Site name if this is useful for better recognition (example: Shell petrol station Amsterdam).
External fuse of the charger.
SAT (Site Acceptance Test) date.
Location remarks (any special remarks about the site, e.g. behind a gate, no photo cameras al-
lowed etc.). Add a picture of the surrounding of the charger, upload the local CAF document A4
on the page of the charger in PDF. Change Deliver status to <SAT>.
After completing the Site Acceptance Test, ABB’s Network Operation Center will be triggered to perform
a final check on the connection and configuration of the charger.
Upon approval the charger will be operational and initialized for use.