Example 13: The scale of the measured active
power ranges from -50 to 135 MW and the
corresponding mA range is -20…20 mA.
; Enable power measurement
; Set low limit of the mA signal
; Set high limit of the mA signal
; Set value of power corresponding to
the mA signal -20 mA
; Set value of power corresponding to
the mA signal 20 mA
; Store the programmed parameters
Example 14: The scale of the measured reactive
power ranges from 0 to 2.2 Mvar and the
corresponding mA range is 4...20 mA.
; Enable power measurement
; Set the low limit of the mA signal
; Set the high limit of the mA signal
; Set the value of power corresponding
to the mA signal 4 mA
; Set the value of the power corresponding
to the mA-signal 20 mA
; Store the programmed parameters
The scaled active and reactive power can be
transmitted to the remote control system as
SPA-bus variables V3 and V4 for the active
power and reactive power respectively.
Input channel 7 can be used for counting energy
pulses. The measured energy is displayed locally
by three digits in three parts; in kilowatthours,
in megawatthours and in gigawatthours. Corre-
spondingly, the energy value can be read via the
serial bus in three parts with maximum three
digits (parameters V8…V10) but also in one
part in kilowatthours with maximum nine digits
(parameter V5). Before the pulse counter can be
used the energy measurement must be enabled
by variable S92. As a default energy is not
measured (S92=0).
The following parameters must be defined for
channel 7:
S1 = definition of channel 7
0 = general ON/OFF input (default)
1 = pulse counter without local indication
with front panel LED
2 = pulse counter with local indication
with front panel LED
S2 = pulse direction
0 = negative pulse
1 = positive pulse (default)
The following parameters must be defined for
channel 0:
S3 = definition of kWh value per pulse, range
0.01…1000 kWh per pulse. Default value
is 1.
Example 15: Measurement of energy via the
pulse counter.
; Enable energy measurement
; Set energy value 5 kWh per pulse
; Set input 7 as a pulse counter without
local indication
; Set a positive polarity of pulses
; Store the programmed parameters
The energy can also be integrated by using the
measured active and reactive power. In this case
the measured active energy in one direction is
displayed locally whereas the measured active
and reactive energy can be read in both direc-
tions via the serial bus.
The integration is used automatically if the
energy measurement is enabled by parameter
S92 but input channel 7 is not defined as a pulse
Example 16: Measurement of energy by inte-
grating the measured power. Initially the meas-
urement of power must be enabled and scaled,
see examples 13 and 14.
; Enable energy measurement
; Store the programmed parameters