SPA-ZC 302
Profibus-DPV1/SPA Gateway
Installation and Commissioning Manual
Additional support products
In cases where the only physical connection to the SPA bus of the protection relay
is an optical interface, a SPA-ZC 21 can be used to provide the necessary optical
interface from the SPA-ZC 302 gateway. Which variant of SPA-ZC 21 should be
used, depends on if glass or/and plastic fibers are available in the SPA bus. In
addition, it is recommended to use SPA-ZC 21 and an optical loop to the relays when
connecting several relays to SPA-ZC 302. For more information, contact your ABB
Backwards compatibility
The new gateway contains features, such as the event channel and reading multiple
binary data, affecting the configuration template format.
The gateway software version 2.0 is compatible with the old configuration template
format. In this compatibility mode, it works as an older 1.03.03 device. There are
two ways to activate the compatibility mode:
• You can download the old configuration template with the old PCT tool (Profibus
DP/SPA Gateway Configuration Tool).
• Or you can select
Download as > v1.02
in the new PCT tool version.
The new PCT tool automatically converts and saves the old configuration template
to the new format.
The new template file format is not compatible with the old PCT