Field mountable paperless recorder
7 Configuration
IM/SM500F Rev. Z
7.8.5 Totalizer Configuration
The totalizer tabs are displayed only if the Totalizer option is enabled.
Current totalizer values are displayed in the Indicator view – see Section 4.5, page 38
(Operation) and Section 7.7.3, page 89 (Configuration) respectively.
For analog sources, the total value of a signal is calculated by counting pulses produced at a
rate proportional to the input. For digital sources, off/on transitions are counted to produce a
batch total.
Select the totalizer Count direction and Wrap action.
When the count direction is set to 'Up', the totalizer counts up from the
'Preset count' value to the 'Predetermined count' value – see next page.
If 'Wrap enable' is set to 'On', the total is reset automatically to the 'Preset
count' value once the 'Predetermined count' value is reached.
If 'Wrap enable' is set to 'Off', the count stops when the 'Predetermined
count' value is reached.
A wrap pulse, with a duration of 2s, occurs if the total reaches the
'Predetermined count' value and 'Wrap enable' is set to 'On'. If 'Wrap
enable' is set to 'Off', the wrap pulse becomes active when the
'Predetermined count' value is reached and remains active until the
totalizer is reset. The pulse can be assigned to a relay, digital output or
digital counter.
Enter the totalizer tag to be displayed in the Indicator view and the
Totalizer log archive (5 characters max).
Select any of the totalizer units pre-programmed into the recorder or
select 'Custom' and enter user-defined units (6 characters max.). Refer to
Appendix D, Table D.2, page 164 for a description of the pre-defined
totalizer units.
The recorder can be configured to calculate the totalizer count rate
automatically by ensuring that the engineering range unit of measurement
selected for the channel to which the totalizer is assigned is a volumetric
unit (i.e. quantity per unit of time, for example, gallons per hour) – see
page 97. If the recorder holds the relationship data between the
measurement units and the totalizer units selected, the count rate
parameter (see below) is calculated and displayed automatically.