Videographic Recorder
2 Operation
Issue 11
Add one of 24 predefined Operator Messages (see Section 4.4.7, page 60) or one User-
Defined Message to the alarm event log.
If '< user defined >' is selected, a data entry keyboard appears to enable the message to
be entered (see Fig. 4.6, page 50).
The selected or user-defined message is displayed briefly on screen. If Operator
Message annotation is selected (see 'Chart Annotation' below) the message is also
added to the chart.
When the instrument is in Historical Review mode, Operator Messages generated
are added at the current time, not the time indicated by the cursor.
If an alarm or operator message is obscuring part of a chart trace, use the Chart
Annotation option to hide or display alarms and messages on the screen. Select the
annotation required.
indicates the annotations selected.
The possible combinations are:
No annotation (Alarms and Operator Messages both disabled)
Alarm annotation only
Alarms and Operator Message annotation
Operator Message annotation cannot be enabled unless Alarm annotation is also
If more than 15 icons are present on the screen, chart annotation is disabled
When chart annotation is disabled, new operator messages and alarms are still
added to the Alarm Event log – see Section 2.7, page 23.