Emax UL
Doc. N°
Page N°
15.4.3 Signals
Optical signals
Led Vaux (green)
Presence of Auxiliary power supply
P Fault (red)
Microprocessor with temporary or permanent fault
Led Temp (orange)
Flashing with values of “Warning temperature”, see par.
Lit permanently with values of “Alarm temperature”, see par.
Led Trip (red)
Lights up (only with Vaux) following an opening due to a protection.
• The prealarm threshold has been exceeded; one or more phases with current values in the 0.83xI1< I < 1.05xI1
range. (the selection carried out depends on the Ne. For example, at 50% the values are halved)
• Presence, between two or three phases, of unbalance above the value programmed for the “Unbalanced Phases”
protection, with protection trip disabled. Presence of Distorted Wave form with Shape Factor > 2.1;
Led Warning (yellow)
• Contact wear higher than 80% (and less than 100%; only with Vaux);
• WARNING THRESHOLD exceeded, see par.;
• Power circuit breaker status error (only with Vaux);
• Frequency out of range.
• Presence of one or more phases under overload with current values I >1.05*I1 (protection “L timing”) (the selection
carried out depends on the Ne. For example, at 200% the values are doubled);
• Timing in progress for protection function S;
• Timing in progress for protection function I;
• Timing in progress for protection function G;
• Timing in progress for protection function D;
Led Emergency (red)
• Timing in progress for the voltage protection functions (UV, OV, RV);
• Timing in progress for the reverse active power protection function (RP);
• Timing in the case of unbalance between the phases above the value set in the configuration with protection trip
set to on;
• Wear at 100 %;
• CTs disconnected;
• Opening solenoid (SA) disconnected.
Flashes in the case of trip of the backup protection.
Yellow magnetic flag
“*” Trip of one of the following protections: undervoltage, overvoltage, residual voltage, reverse active power,
phase unbalance, overtemperature;
Yellow magnetic flag
“L” Trip of protection “L”;
Yellow magnetic flag
“S” Trip of protection “S” or “D”;
Yellow magnetic flag
“I” Trip of protection “I” or “Iinst”
Yellow magnetic flag
“G” Trip of protection “G”.
Electrical signals
Contact K51/p1
The signaling to which it is connected (see par. is active (only with Vaux);
Contact K51/p2
The signaling to which it is connected (see par. is active (only with Vaux);
Contact k51/YO1
Trip of one of the following protections: L, S, D, I, G, U, OT, UV, OV, RV, RP, Iinst;
Contact K51/
Microprocessor with temporary or permanent fault.(closes with a delay of 1...2 s, only with Vaux).
By pressing the “Reset” pushbutton, it is possible to reset the normal state of both the magnetic flags (black) and of the contacts (normally open).
This pushbutton is also active without an auxiliary power supply.
With the relay not supplied, the energy accumulated by a special ‘buffer’ Reset capacitor is used, which is charged when turned on (in
~12s). This means that, @ 25°C, at least one Reset operation is guaranteed in the case of no of self-supply or auxiliary power supply, within
2 hours from power circuit breaker opening, for the flags, and 12 hours for the SRE contact.
Should the capacitor ‘buffer’ also be discharged, the PR113 can be supplied momentarily by means of the PR120/B or PR010/T (see par. 15.7).
Regardless of the state of the signals and of the relay power supply, it is always possible to close the power circuit breaker, both by means of
Closing Coils (BC) and by means of a mechanical pushbutton.