Section 14
About this chapter
This chapter describes password procedures and levels of access in the system.
To safeguard the interests of our customers, both the IED and the tools that are
accessing the IED are protected, subject of authorization handling. The concept of
authorization, as it is implemented in the IED and in PCM600 is based on the
following facts:
There are two types of access points to the IED:
local, through the local HMI
remote, through the communication ports
Principle of operation
There are different levels (or types) of users that can access or operate different
areas of the IED and tools functionality. The pre-defined user types are given in
table below.
Be sure that the user logged on to the IED has the access required
when writing particular data to the IED from PCM600.
The meaning of the legends used in the table:
R= Read
W= Write
- = No access rights
1MRK 502 014-UEN C
Section 14
Operator's manual