Section 9
Read and change settings
About this chapter
This chapter describes how to find and change settings and parameters. The chapter
is divided into two sections which match the way the two categories of settings are
divided up in the HMI. The General settings group consists of those parameters
that cause an automatic restart of the IED. The Setting group N consists of six
groups of settings with default values for all parameters. These do not require or
cause a restart once they have been changed. Time, synchronization and the
activation of setting groups are also dealt with here.
It takes a minimum of three minutes for the IED to save the new
settings, during this time the DC supply must not be turned off.
Do not perform a setting change at the same time as a hardware
reconfiguration. Doing so might cause the IED to malfunction.
System time and synchronization
System time
Main menu/Settings/Time/System time
Under System time, the system clock date and time are set.
Time synchronization
The synchronization settings are divided into categories Time synch, Time synch
BIN, Time synch SNTP, Time synch DST Begin, Time synch DST End, Time
synch time zone and Time synch IRIG-B. The settable parameters are found under
each category.
Main menu/Settings/Time/Synchronization/TimeSynch
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Section 9
Read and change settings
Operator's manual