Station configuration description file types
The IEC 61850 standard defines SCL file types in the sequence of engineering. These
files have a different definition, which is explained in IEC 61850–6. Three of the file
types are used in the engineering process for an IED.
ICD = IED capability description
Capability description of the IED in logical nodes and their data. No
information about, for example, the communication configuration is included.
An IED is already extended by default data sets and report control blocks.
They are predefined by ABB. Changes or additional data sets, for example,
have to be done with IEC 61850 Configuration tool or IET600.
SCD = Station configuration description
A complete configuration description of all IEDs in a station and the full
engineering of process signals and communication structure is included. This
includes all the needed data sets and control blocks.
CID = configured IED description
The CID file contains the information needed for configuring one specific
IED. The CID file contains the complete configuration description of one
specific IED. This includes the configured IED name, communication part,
data sets and all control blocks.
IEC 61850 engineering process
The IEC 61850 standard defines how information is communicated in a substation. The
information communication can be divided into different parts.
Description of the substation part, including the used logical nodes
Description of the IEDs with their logical nodes
Description of the communication network
Description of the engineering process
When exporting a SCL file from PCM600, the tool builds a default substation structure
and creates default data sets and control blocks for vertical communication between the
substation client and IEDs. For more information, see the IEC 61850 standards.
In the following example, it is assumed that PCM600 and IET600 are used as the
system configuration tools. Another option is to use the IEC 61850 Configuration tool
inside PCM600. In that case the SCL file export and import operations (steps 1 and 3)
are not needed.
Section 7
1MRS240044-IB A
IEC 61850 communication engineering
Engineering Manual