Only authorized and skilled personnel should analyze the errors and
decide on further actions.
The protection relay records system registrations, relay status data and events.
Document all the recorded data from the protection relay before
resetting the tripping and relay lockout functions.
Relay parametrization
Protection relay parameters are set via the LHMI, WHMI or PCM600.
Setting parameters need to be calculated according to the electrical network
conditions and the electrical characteristics of the protected equipment. The
protection relay's settings need to be verified before the protection relay is connected
to a system.
Document all changes to parameter settings.
For more information, see the PCM600 documentation.
Settings for relay functionality
Function settings can be edited one by one by navigating to the individual setting
values, for example via the LHMI. The values in other setting groups should be known
before editing a certain setting value.
After completing the editing of setting group values, the new values are activated. The
user can either commit the edited values or discard them. Setting values can also be
copied from one setting group to another.
Settings for different operating conditions
Protection relay settings can be designed for various operation conditions by defining
different setting values to different setting groups. The active setting group can be
changed by the relay application or manually via the LHMI, WHMI or PCM600.
1MRS758754 B
Section 5
Protection relay operation
REC615 and RER615
Operation Manual