For more information, see the communication protocol manuals and
the technical manual.
Serial communication ports and drivers
Depending on the hardware configuration, the protection relay can be equipped with
one or several UART-based serial communication ports. The communication ports
can be either galvanic (RS-485, RS-232) or fiber optic. The protection relay uses serial
ports and drivers as different types of serial communication protocol links.
Serial ports are called COM1, COM2 and so on, depending on the number of serial
ports in the relay hardware configuration. Each COM port driver has its own setting
parameters found via the LHMI in
(n= 1,2,
Since the same protection relay usually supports a variety of different communication
hardware options, all COM port driver setting parameters are not relevant for every
communication hardware type.
Table 24:
COM port parameters in different HW options
COM parameter
Hardware options
Fiber mode
0 = No fiber
Used in the fiber optic mode only.
Note that ”No fiber “ mode is the same
as the galvanic mode.
1 = Fiber light ON/loop
2 = Fiber light OFF/loop
3 = Fiber light ON/star
4 = Fiber light OFF/star
Serial mode
0 = RS485 2wire
For galvanic modes. RS-type depends
on the communication card used.
Note that this setting parameter is
relevant only if
Fiber mode is set to “No
1 = RS485 4wire
2 = RS232 no handshake
3 = RS232 with handshake
CTS Delay
0…60000 [ms]
RS232 mode only
RTS Delay
0…60000 [ms]
RS232 mode only
1 = 300
All modes
2 = 600
3 = 1200
4 = 2400
5 = 4800
6 = 9600
7 = 19200
8 = 38400
9 = 57600
10 = 115200 [bits/sec]
1) When fiber mode is used, the
Serial mode parameter value must be “RS485 2wire”.
1MRS758754 B
Section 8
REC615 and RER615
Operation Manual