Trip logic (TR)
Chapter 10
Verifying settings by secondary
Initiate a three-phase fault.
Consider sufficient time interval between the faults, to overcome a
reclaim time of eventually activated autoreclosing function. Only
a three-phase trip should occur for the fault and all trip outputs
(TRIP-TRLn) should be activated at the same time. Functional
outputs TRIP-TRIP and TRIP-TR3P should be active at each fault.
No other outputs should be active.
Initiate a single-phase-to-earth fault and switch it off immedi-
ately when the trip signal is issued for the corresponding
phase. Initiate the same fault once again within the reclaim
time of the used autoreclosing function.
A three-phase trip must be initiated for the second fault.
Check that the corresponding trip signals appear after both faults.
If not the autoreclosing function is used the functional outputs
TRIP-TRIP, TRIP-TR1P and the corresponding phase signal
(TRIP-TRLn) should be active at each fault.
Initiate a single-phase-to-earth fault and switch it off immedi-
ately when the trip signal is issued for the corresponding
phase. Initiate the second single-phase-to-earth fault in one
of the remaining phases within the time interval, shorter than
two seconds and shorter than the dead-time of the autore-
closing function, when included in protection scheme.
Check that the second trip is a single-phase trip in a second initiat-
ed phase.
Initiate a phase-to-phase fault and switch it off immediately
when the trip signal is issued for the corresponding two phas-
es. Initiate another phase-to-phase fault (not between the
same phases) within the time, shorter than 2 seconds.
Check, that the output signals, issued for the first fault, correspond
to two-phase trip for included phases.
The output signals for the second fault must correspond to the
three-phase tripping action.
Completing the test
Continue to test another function or complete the test by setting the test mode to off.