Self-powered feeder protection
Product version: 3.0
Issued: 2017-11-21
Revision: E
The REJ603 is a protection relay aimed at
selective short-circuit and earth-fault protection
of feeders in secondary distribution networks
and for protection of transformers in utilities and
The inrush current stabilization function allows
the relay to be used as main protection of
distribution transformers.
The relay is powered up through current
transformer if current is above energizing level of
relay, front USB power or through auxiliary
supply (optional feature).
The relay offers, non-directional over current and
earth-fault protection. The residual current for
the earth-fault protection is derived from the
phase currents. When applicable, the core-
balance current transformers can be used for
measuring the residual current, especially when
sensitive earth-fault protection is required.
The relay additionally offers thermal overload
protection for feeders, cables and transformers.
There is optional provision of remote trip through
binary input with external auxiliary power supply.
The remote trip signals like transformer trouble
output (Buchholz, Oil temperature, Winding
temperature trip) or an external trip can be wired
to binary input. The remote trip function works
even in CT-powered mode when auxiliary supply
is not available but enough CT current is
available to power-up the relay.
The relay continuously measures phase currents
and earth current. Earth current can be
measured using external core balance current
transformer or can be calculated internally.
The relay has provision to display measured
three phase current and earth current in primary
and secondary terms. Additionally, relay displays
status of binary input, binary output and trip
counter for over current and earth fault trip.
During service, the default view of display shows
three phase current and the earth current in
secondary terms. The values measured can be
accessed using on the local HMI.
The relay continuously measures thermal level.
Event log
To collect sequence – of – events (SoE)
information, the relay incorporates a non-volatile
memory with a capacity of storing 250 events
with associated time stamps with resolution
of 1 ms. Event log includes protection operation
status, binary I/O status and relay fault code.
The event logs are stored sequentially, the most
recent being first and so on. The non-volatile
memory retains its data also in case the relay
temporarily loses its auxiliary supply.
The event log facilitates detailed post-fault
analysis of feeder faults and disturbances. The
SoE information can be accessed locally via the
user interface on the relay front panel.
Disturbance recorder
The relay is provided with the feature of
disturbance recorder featuring up to 4 analog
signals and 8 binary signal channels. The analog
channels are set to record the current waveform.
The triggering of disturbance record can be done
through external or internal relay signals like
protection start, trip, and remote trip etc. There is
provision of manual triggering of the recording.
The disturbance recording is also possible in CT-
powered mode. The recorded information is
stored in COMTRADE format with date and time
stamping in a non-volatile memory and can be
uploaded from front USB port for subsequent
fault analysis.
Self-supervision and test function
The relay’s built-in self-supervision system con-
tinuously monitors the state of the relay
hardware and the operation of the relay
software. Any fault or malfunction detected will
be used for alerting the operator. A permanent
relay fault will block the protection functions of
the relay to prevent incorrect relay operation.
The relay supports a built-in test mode which
enables user to test the relay protection
functions, HMI and binary outputs. The test
function is enabled through USB power which
facilitates the testing of entire scheme including
relay and activation of bi-stable trip output.