Option description and instructions
3ADW0005Q964 E-Stop cat.1 without opening mains contactor en b
Fault exclusions
Fault exclusions (not considered in the calculations):
any short and open circuits in the cables of the safety circuit
any short and open circuits in the cabinet terminal blocks of the safety circuits.
Operation delays
Emergency stop total delay: Emergency stop deceleration ramp time + 650 ms.
General rules, notes and definitions
Validation of the safety functions
You must do an acceptance test (validation) to validate the correct operation of safety functions.
Validation procedure
You must do the acceptance test using the checklist given in section
Start-up and acceptance test
page 15:
at initial start-up of the safety function
after any changes related to the safety function (wiring, components, safety function related
parameter settings etc.)
after any maintenance action related to the safety function.
The acceptance test must include at least the following steps:
you must have an acceptance test plan
you must test all commissioned functions for proper operation, from each operation location
you must document all acceptance tests.
Acceptance test reports
You must store the signed acceptance test reports in the logbook of the machine. The report must
include, as required by the referred standards:
a description of the safety application (including a figure)
a description and revisions of safety components that are used in the safety application
a list of all safety functions that are used in the safety application
a list of all safety related parameters and their values
documentation of start-up activities, references to failure reports and resolution of failures
the test results for each safety function, checksums, date of the tests and confirmation by the test
You must store any new acceptance test reports performed due to changes or maintenance in the
logbook of the machine.
The acceptance test of the safety function must be carried out by a competent person with adequate
expertise and knowledge of the safety function as well as functional safety, as required by IEC 61508-1
clause 6.
The test procedures and report must be documented and signed by this person.
Ambient conditions
For the environmental limits for the safety functions and the drive, refer to the hardware manual.
Reporting problems and failures related to safety functions
Contact your local ABB representative.