Softstarters Type PSTX30...PSTX570 User Manual short form 1SFC132082M9901 17
7 Troubleshooting
Depending on PSTX Softstarter configuration, different events may be signalled on the display. See Event list Table 7.1.
Table 7.1: Event list
Electronic overload
The motor has been overloaded because of too high current over a
certain time. Check starting conditions and EOL settings.
Locked rotor
The motor is running stiff. A damaged bearing or a stucked load
could be possible causes. Check the load and the motor.
Phase reversal
The phase sequence is not correct. Change the phase sequence
on the line side to
Current imbalance
Current imbalance between the phases. Restart the motor and
check the main currents and voltage.
Current underload
The motor current has fallen below the settable value. Check that
the motor current parameter (Ie) is set correctly.
User defined protection
Check the external sensor.
Earth fault
Equipment protection. In a symmetrical three phase system, the
sum of the instantaneous line currents is equal to zero. Earth fault
indicates if the sum differs more than a settable value. This can
indicate a serious condition of the motor.
Over voltage
The mains voltage is too high. Check the mains voltage.
Under voltage
The mains voltage is too low. Check the mains voltage.
Voltage imbalance
Voltage imbalance between the phases. Restart the motor and
check the mains voltage.
PT100 protection
The external thermal sensor has detected a temperature higher
than the trip level. Check the root cause of theover heating.
PTC protection
The external thermal sensor has detected a temperature higher
than the trip level. Check the root cause of the over heating.
Power factor underload
The power factor has fallen below the trip level.
Too long current limit
The time at current limit has exceeded the set value. The starting
condition is too heavy for the set current limit. Check starting condi-
tions and parameters.
Bypass open fault
The bypass contactor or relay does not close when reached TOR.
Contact ABB sales office for service.
Fieldbus communication
There is a communication disturbance between the softstarter and
24V output
Check the hardwire inputs.
HMI failure
There is communication disturbance between the softstarter and
the HMI. Check the connection to the HMI.
Extension IO failure
There is communication disturbance between the softstarter and
the extension I/O module. Check the connection to the I/O module.
Max number of starts
The settable maximum number of starts per hour has been
Auto-restart time-out
The time between trip and auto-restart attempt exceeds setting.
Too long start time
It takes too long time to soft start the motor. Check starting condi-
tions and current limit setting.
Frequency range
The frequency has been outside the allowed range longer than the
allowed time.