Navigator 500
Sodium analyzer
Appendix A – Troubleshooting
OI/ASO550–EN Rev. G
Appendix A – Troubleshooting
A.1 Diagnostic messages
The transmitter is programmed to display diagnostic messages
to provide information on servicing requirements and any other
conditions that develop during operation.
All diagnostic messages displayed on the transmitter are added
to the transmitter's
Audit Log
The tables below show icon types, diagnostic messages and
possible causes / suggested remedial action.
The diagnostic icons in the following tables conform
to NAMUR 107.
Diagnostic Icon
NAMUR Status
Check function
Out of specification
Maintenance required
Diagnostic message
Possible cause and suggested action
ADC Failure
(S1, S2, S3, S4)
Wet-section failure (temporary or permanent failure of analog to digital converter for wet-section 1, 2, 3, 4).
Cycle power to the transmitter.
If problem persists replace electronics inside wet-section, contact local service organization.
Excessive Power
The wet-section is drawing more current than available.
The power being drawn from the transmitter exceeds the maximum permitted level.
Check the wiring to all wet-sections connected for possible wiring problems.
Check any digital outputs powered from the +24 V out terminal.
Ensure the limits are not exceeded.
Int Comms Error
Communication to wet-section failure
Communication to one or all the wet-sections has failed during cyclic reads.
Check wiring between transmitter and wet-sections.
No Samples
Sodium multi-stream only
No samples available (at wet-section).
If a multiple wet-section setup, the transmitter cannot detect any samples flowing into the wet-section.
No Sample
(S1, S2, S3, S4)
No sample available (at wet-section).
Check sample flow rates are >50 ml/min.
NV Error Comm Bd
NV error – comms. board (CRC Comms.)
Failure of non-volatile memory on communications board or permanent corruption of its data.
Cycle power to the transmitter.
If problem persists check all configuration parameters and correct any errors.
If problem still persists contact local service organization.
NV Error Main Bd
NV error – main board (CRC Comms.)
Failure of non-volatile memory on main board or permanent corruption of its data.
Cycle power to the transmitter.
If problem persists check all configuration parameters and correct any errors.
If problem still persists contact local service organization.
NV Error Proc Bd
NV error – processor board (CRC Comms.)
Failure of non-volatile memory on processor display board or permanent corruption of its data.
Cycle power to the transmitter.
If problem persists check all configuration parameters and correct any errors.
If problem still persists contact local service organization
NV Error
(S1, S2, S3, S4)
Failure of wet-section (1, 2, 3, 4) non-volatile memory or permanent corruption of its data.
Cycle power to the transmitter.
If problem persists check all configuration parameters for all wet-sections and correct any errors.
If problem still persists contact local service organization.
Table A.1 Diagnostic messages (Sheet 1 of 3)