MegaFlex 1000 to 1600
UPS User Manual / REV-A
Cyber security
UPS must be protected in a Security Restricted Area.
UPS must be installed in a location/room with mechanical lock.
Limit access to authorized personnel only and it shall stay under Authorized Personnel Operator to
manage the accesses.
The UPS products are designed to be connected and to communicate information and data via a
network interface through the optional SNMP card, which should be connected to a secure network.
It is customer sole responsibility to provide and continuously ensure a secure connection between
the product and customer network or any other network and to establish and maintain appropriate
measures (such as but not limited to the installation of firewalls, application of authentication
measures, encryption of data, installation of antivirus programs, etc.) to protect the UPS product,
the network, its system and interfaces against any kind of security breaches, unauthorized access,
interference, intrusion, leakage and/or theft of data or information.
ABB Ltd and its affiliates are not liable for damages and/or losses related to such security
breaches, unauthorized access, interference, intrusion, leakage and/or theft of data or information.
Although ABB provides functionality testing on the products and updates that we release, you
should institute your own testing program for any product updates or other major system updates
(to include but not limited to code changes, configuration file changes, third party software
updates or patches, hardware change out, etc.) to ensure that the security measures that you have
implemented have not been compromised and system functionality in your environment is as