MegaFlex 1000 to 1600
UPS User Manual / REV-A
Utility Failure Operation
When the Utility is no longer within acceptable
tolerances, the Battery will provide the DC power to the
The Inverter will maintain continuous AC power to the
Load until the Battery Voltage reaches the lower limit of
the Inverter operation capability.
During the discharge, the LCD screen displays the
estimated time the Battery can support the critical load.
Prior to the Battery completely discharging, the "
" alarm (shut-down imminent) warns the
operator that the Battery is almost discharged and the
UPS is about to shut-down.
Fig. 4.2.3-1 Block diagram Utility Failure operation
In case of RPA Parallel System
With a Parallel System for Power Capacity (see Section 4.3)
With the
Bypass Utility power available,
a “Battery low” warning on any unit will cause the Load to be
transferred to Utility (after a selectable time delay).
Bypass Utility power
not available, a “Battery low” warning on any unit will start the “
stop operation
timer (adjustable).
The Load will shut down at the end of the “
stop operation
” time period.
With a Parallel System for Redundancy (RPA - see Section 4.3)
When a Battery low warning occurs on a unit not necessary to support the present Load, this unit will shut
down after a timeout period (selectable).
The Load is shared between the other units.
As the warning occurs on one unit necessary to support the present Load, the system starts the "
" timeout (selectable).
The Load will shut down at the end of the “
stop operation
” time period.
Utility Recovery Operation
As soon as the AC input power recovers, the
Rectifier will
start automatically
, supplying DC power to the Inverter
and recharging the Battery.
If the Inverter was previously shut-down due to low
Battery, the Load will be initially powered by Utility
through the Automatic Bypass.
When the Battery is recharged enough to ensure a
minimum time of operation with the present load, the
Inverter will start automatically and the Load will be
transferred back to the Inverter.
Fig. 4.2.4-1 Block diagram Utility recovery operation
In case of RPA Parallel System
When the AC input power recovers,
the Rectifiers will start-up sequentially,
according to their number in the RPA
Parallel System. This minimizes the
initial inrush current
Inverters will start-up automatically
, but only when the Battery has been sufficiently recharged for a
minimum runtime
with the present Load.
When enough Inverters to supply the Load have been restarted, the
Load will be transferred from the Automatic
Bypass back to the Inverter output.