KNX Technical Reference Manual
-KNX Millenium
Description of applications /
KNX Technical Reference Manual | 1473-1-8681
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Pos: 31.7.78 /DinA-4 -- Online/Applikations- / Parameterbeschreibungen -- (KNX)/Applikation/Objekt-RTR/Module/Kombinierter Heiz- und Kühlbetrieb — Umschaltung Heizen/Kühlen @ 40\mod_1421740953651_15.docx @ 313394 @ 3 @ 1
Combined heating and cooling modes - Switchover of heating/cooling
Only via object
On-site/via extension unit and via object
This function makes it possible to switch between the heating and cooling mode of the device.
: E.g. for four-conductor systems which allow the switchover between heating and
cooling at all times. The device switches automatically between heating and cooling and to
the associated setpoint. "Switchover heating/cooling" is a transmitting object.
Only via object
: E.g. for two-conductor systems which are operated in heating mode in the
winter and cooling mode in the summer. The switchover between heating and cooling and to
the associated setpoint is carried out via the corresponding communication object. This
function is used when a central switchover of the single room controllers is required.
"Switchover heating/cooling" is a receiving object.
Local/ via extension unit and via object
: E.g. for four-conductor systems which allow the
switchover between heating and cooling at all times. The switchover between heating and
cooling and to the associated setpoint is carried out manually on the device by the user of
the room or via the "Switchover heating/cooling" object via the bus. "Switchover
heating/cooling" is a transmitting and receiving object.
Pos: 31.7.79 /DinA-4 -- Online/Applikations- / Parameterbeschreibungen -- (KNX)/Applikation/Objekt-RTR/Module/Kombinierter Heiz- und Kühlbetrieb — Betriebsart nach Reset @ 40\mod_1421741049154_15.docx @ 313409 @ 3 @ 1
Combined heating and cooling modes - Operating mode after reset
After a bus voltage failure, a system reset, or the attachment of a device to the bus coupler, the
device starts in the parameterized "Operating mode after reset". The operating mode can be
changed when the system is running using the options set under "Switchover heating/cooling".
Pos: 31.7.80 /DinA-4 -- Online/Applikations- / Parameterbeschreibungen -- (KNX)/Applikation/Objekt-RTR/Module/Kombinierter Heiz- und Kühlbetrieb — Ausgabe Stellgröße Heizen und Kühlen @ 40\mod_1421741108543_15.docx @ 313424 @ 3 @ 1
Combined heating and cooling modes - Heating/cooling control value output
Via 1 object
Via 2 objects
This parameter is used to define whether the control value is transmitted to the climate control
actuator using one or two objects. If the climate control actuator has separate control value
inputs for heating and cooling, or if separate actuators are used, then the option "Via 2 objects"
must be selected. Select the option "Via 1 object" if a single actuator only has one object that
receives both the heating and the cooling control values.
Pos: 31.7.81 /System+++++++++++++ Seitenu++++++++++++++ @ 41\mod_1422789416992_0.docx @ 333487 @ @ 1