Product manual 9AKK107680A3585
Setting options per device (DALI Gateway, REG)
A device setting can be carried out via the device configuration of the Web-based user
interface. This is only possible via the '"Fitter" access.
Fig. 13: Device settings
1. Open the "Device configuration".
2. Select the device type "DALI Gateway, REG" in the "Device type" list [1]. For several DALI
Gateway, REG the corresponding device can then be selected from the list [2].
3. All setting options for the respective device are displayed in the list view [3]. The following
settings are available:
[1] Changing the name
[2] Maintenance settings:
This can be used to reset the connected DALI participants. Then a restart can be carried
out and the DALI participants can be created anew. This is necessary, for example,
when DALI addresses have been assigned twice.
[3] Setting of the brightness during bus voltage failure ("System Failure Level“) in % via the
-/+ buttons.
[4] Setting of the brightness during return of ballast voltage (Power-On Level) in % via the -
/+ buttons.
[5] Selection of channels (connected DALI participants):
Each connected DALI participant is allocated to a CHANNEL (DALI addressing) during
the initialisation. After the selection, parameter settings can be made for each channel
(DALI participants).