Product manual 9AKK107680A3585
7 Commissioning
Requirements for commissioning
A System Access Point is required to make the device operational. The device is ready when
the bus voltage is applied. However, programming of the device is possible only with an applied
230 V supply voltage.
Up to 16 participants with a DALI interface (e.g. ballasts) can be connected to the DALI output.
The following points must be observed for commissioning.
All DALI participants should not yet have received a DALI address before commissioning.
This can happen when the ballast has been installed beforehand in a different DALI
installation. This can lead to conflicts in addressing. If it is not known whether all participants
are not addressed, all participants should be reset. For this the menu has two options
– Reset only the DALI Gateway, REG.
– Reset DALI Gateway, REG and DALI participants.
During commissioning all participants must be connected to the DALI Gateway, REG and
supplied with voltage (no stepwise commissioning). Otherwise there is the risk that
addresses are assigned twice.
When replacing a defective ballast, the new ballast normally receives the address of the
defective ballast automatically. However, if several ballasts are replaced simultaneously, the
devices could then be allocated to the wrong room. In this case the participants must be re-
allocated via the interface of the System Access Point.
The automatic assigning of addresses is always active.
7.2 Initial
The System Access Point establishes the connection between the ABB-free@home
participants and the smartphone, tablet or PC. It is used to identify and program the ABB-
participants during commissioning.
Devices which are physically connected to the ABB-free@home
bus, log themselves
automatically into the System Access Point. They transmit information about their type and
supported functions (see chapter 4.4 “Functions“ on page 12).
During initial commissioning all devices are given a generic name (e.g. DALI Gateway, REG,
etc.). The user can change this name to a name practical for the system (Example: DALI
Gateway, REG living room").
The devices must be parameterised for the use of additional functions.
Commissioning of the DALI Gateway, REG is described in the following chapters. Here it is
assumed that the basic commissioning steps of the overall system have already been carried
out. General knowledge about the Web-based commissioning software of the System Access
Point is assumed.
General information about commissioning and parameterization is available in
the system manual and in the technical reference manual of the "System Access
Point" at