Functional description
ABB i-bus
Communication objects
for every DALI device
Fig. 17
Communication objects for "Channel X – Device"
The following section describes the communication objects which relate to
one of the individual 128 DALI devices on channel A or B. Before the device
is controlled or read, it must be contacted via its EIB / KNX device number
(DALI address plus 1). This means that two telegrams with an address and
function are necessary to carry out a function. This can occur for example
with higher-level logic or visualisation.
There are 3 objects – “Switch/Status”, “Relative Dimming” and “Brightness
value/Status” which can be used to individually contact the devices with just
one object for each of the 64 DALI devices connected to channel A. These
objects are allocated the numbers 53 to 244 and are described in section
3.5.4 “Communication objects for individual devices in channel A”.
Object name
Data type
Select Device
Channel A or
Channel B
1 byte (EIS 6)
DPT 5.010
C, R, W
Channel X Select Device [EIS 6; 1-byte counter value]:
The DALI device which is to be
controlled or read is selected via this object. The 1 byte value corresponds to the EIB / KNX
number of the DALI device. The device remains selected until a new value is sent to the object.
All telegrams sent or received via the “selection objects” (nos. 8 to 16 or 26 to 34) relate to this
selected device.
Telegram value
“01”: Select device with EIB / KNX number 1
"02": Select device with EIB / KNX number 2
“64”: Select device with EIB / KNX number 64
If a value larger than 64 or less than 0 is received, no DALI device is selected.
The selected device stays selected after a download or operating voltage failure and recovery as
well as when the test mode is terminated. No device is selected after an EIB / KNX bus voltage
Note: The EIB / KNX number corresponds to the DALI address plus 1.
8 &
Selected Device On/Off
Channel A or
Channel B
1 bit (EIS 1)
DPT 1.001
C, W
Channel x Selected Device On/Off [EIS 1; 1-bit switching]:
With this object, the DALI device
selected via the “Select Device” object (no. 7) of the channel is selected via the predefined
brightness values (
parameter window).
Telegram value
“1”: On
When an ON telegram is received, the parameter settings define if a predefined brightness value
or the value before switching off is set. The parameterised brightness value of the switch ON
value is set if the channel is switched on with any brightness value and it then receives an ON
telegram "1".
Switch ON values which are greater than or less than the max. or min. values will not be set, but
rather the parameterised max. or min. value. Parameters can be used to set whether the
brightness value is dimmed or immediately applied.