364Ax-Gx Instruction Manual
Reset to Factory trim by HHT
Reset to Factory trim (Sensor and Output trim) by Hand Held Terminal is available. Please refer to the device
manual for the right operations.
Reset to Factory trimming by PC
Reset to Factory trim (Sens or and Output trim) by PC is available using dedicated Software. ABB c an
provide the references and the Software. Please refer to the Software instructions for the right operations.
Software Write Protect
Changes can be p revented to the tran smitter configuration data with the Soft ware write protection. If th e
transmitter Sofware write protection is activated the transmitter will not ac cept any writes to its memory.
Configuration changes, such as trim and reranging cannot take place.
Software Write Protect by Digital LCD Integral Display
Navigate the Digital LCD Integral Display menu, select
Device Config
SW Write Protect.
To change the status of the Software write p rotection select
to remove the
protection or
to insert the protection.
Digital LCD Integral Display Keys sequence to Software Write Protect: 2 – 7 – Edit
Software Write Protect by HHT
Software write protection by Hand Hel d Terminal is available. Please refe r to the device manual for t he
appropriate operations.
Software Write Protect by PC
Software write protection by PC is available using dedicated Software. ABB can provide the references and
the Software. Please refer to the Software instructions for the appropriate operations.
HART Multidrop mode
The transmitter can work in the HART Multidrop mode with other transmitters on the same line. HHT and PC,
using the dedicated Software (ABB c an supply the references and the Sof tware), can set this operative
mode. Please refer to the device manual and the Software instructions for the right operations.