364Ax-Gx Instruction Manual
Output trimming by PC
Output trimming by PC is available using dedi cated Software. ABB can provide the references and t he
Software. Please refer to the Software instructions for the appropriate operations.
Additional calibration procedures
The 364 pressure transmitter models allow some useful procedures below described.
PV scaling
The PV scaling operation can be used to align the "zero" of the process (e.g.: the minimum tank level) with
the "zero" reading of the transmitter. A configuration tool shall be use to perform this operation through digital
After the PV scaling all the Sensor trimming operation are disabled.
There are two different ways to perform a PV scaling:
Method 1
: apply to the transmitter a pressure that corresponds to the scaling value (offset) and perform the
operation using the configuration tools (Digital LCD Integral Display, Hand Held Terminal and PC).
Method 2
: calculate the scaling value (offset) and apply it to the transmitter following the operation available
on the configuration tool (Hand Held Terminal and PC). With this method it is possible to p erform a scaling
operation even for a value different then zero.
PV scaling by Digital LCD Integral Display
As for method 1
Apply to the transmitter a pressure that corresponds to the scaling value, wait for a stable value.
Navigate the Digital LCD Integral Di splay menu, sele ct
Device Config
PV Scaling
Auto-Set Zero
To accept the operation select
and wait for the end (a bargraph will indicate the working progress).
Digital LCD Integral Display Keys sequence to Auto-Set Zero Scaling: 2 – 2 – 1 – OK
As for method 2
Navigate the Digital LCD Integral Display menu, select
Device Config
PV Scaling
PV Scaling.
To modify select
then scroll the desired value with the up and down keys and confirm with
the operation for the seven digits and confirm with
Note: the Maximum (+ 80% of URL) and Minimum (- 80% of URL) usable values are indicated on the Display
as reference.
Digital LCD Integral Display Keys sequence to Set the PV Scaling: 2 – 2 – 2 – Edit
Set PV scaling by HHT
PV scaling by Hand Held Terminal is available. Pl ease refer to the device manual for the appropriate
Set PV scaling by PC
PV scaling by PC is available using dedicated Software. ABB can provide the references and the Software.
Please refer to the Software instructions for the appropriate operations.
Removing PV scaling
In case the Sensor trimming operation is necessary the PV scaling (Sensor Offset) has to be removed.
Removing PV scaling by Digital LCD Integral Display
Navigate the Digital LCD Integral Display menu, select
Device Config
PV Scaling
PV Scaling.
accept the remove select
and wait for the end (a bargraph will indicate the working progress).
Digital LCD Integral Display Keys sequence to Remove the PV Scaling: 2 – 2 – 3 – OK