ABB Jokab Safety
Varlabergsvägen 11, SE-434 39 Kungsbacka, Sweden
Excerpts from the instruction manual
Orion1 Extended
Safety light curtains
Type 4 Active Opto-electronic Protective Device (AOPD)
While every effort has been taken to ensure the accuracy of information contained in this book and any associated promotional and information
material ABB Jokab Safety cannot accept responsibility for errors or omissions and reserves the right to make any improvements without notice. It is
the user’s responsibility to ensure that this equipment is correctly designed, specified, installed, cared for and operated to meet all applicable local,
national and international codes/regulations. Technical data in our book is correct to the level of accuracy of ABB Jokab Safety´s test procedures as
verified by various international approved bodies. Other information (such as application examples, wiring diagrams, operation or use) is intended
solely to illustrate the various uses of our products. ABB Jokab Safety does not guarantee or imply that the product when used in accordance with
such examples in a particular environment will fulfil any particular safety requirement and does not assume any responsibility or liability for actual
use of the product based on the examples given.
The complete instruction manual is delivered
with the product in a digital format and can also
be downloaded from:
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med produkten i digitalt format och kan även
laddas ned från:
Die vollständige Bedienungsanleitung in
digitaler Form wird mit dem Produkt geliefert
und steht auch unter dieser Adresse zum
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Il manuale di istruzioni completo viene fornito in
formato digitale con il prodotto e può anche
essere scaricato da:
La notice d'instructions complète est fournie
avec le produit au format numérique et peut
également être téléchargée sur le site :
El manual de instrucciones completo se
entrega junto con el producto en formato digital
y también puede descargarse en este enlace: