for Tornado™, BDI2000 (MPC8xx/MPC5xx)
User Manual
© Copyright 1997-2007 by ABATRON AG Switzerland
V 1.38
The following items are only used if BDI mode is GATEWAY:
INITTIME timeout
By default, the BDI assumes that the communication base address is
transfered within 10 seconds after starting the VxWorks core. You can in-
crease this timeout value if your application needs more time to startup.
the timeout value in seconds
INITTIME 20 ; wait 20 seconds for startup
This parameter defines the used baudrate for the serial connection be-
tween the BDI2000 and the target. See the chapter "Serial GATEWAY
mode" for more information. Rates above 500kb should only be used with
the HDLC protocol.
the baudrate to use. Following a list with the baudrates
the BDI2000 can support:
9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200
122kb, 130kb, 139kb, 149kb, 160kb, 174kb, 189kb,
208kb, 232kb, 260kb, 298kb, 347kb, 417kb, 521kb,
693kb, 1042kb
The following items are only used if BDI mode is not GATEWAY UART or GATEWAY HDLC:
VIO port [baudrate]
When this line is present and the optional Rx/Tx pins of the second BDI
connector are routed to a UART, the serial IO of this UART can be access-
ed from the host via a Telnet session. The port parameter defines the TCP
port used for this BDI to host communication. You may choose any port ex-
cept 0 and the default Telnet port (23). On the host, open a Telnet session
using this port. Now you should see the UART output in this Telnet ses-
sion. You can use the normal Telnet connection to the BDI in parallel, they
work completely independent. Also input to the UART is implemented.
See the chapter "Serial GATEWAY mode" for more information about the
BDI connector pins used for this serial link.
Note: You cannot use SIO and VIO at the same time.
The TCP/IP port used for the host communication.
The BDI supports 2400 ... 115200 baud
VIO 7 ;TCP port for virtual IO
SIO port [baudrate]
When this line is present, a TCP/IP channel is routed to the BDI’s RS232
connector. The port parameter defines the TCP port used for this BDI to
host communication. You may choose any port except 0 and the default
Telnet port (23). On the host, open a Telnet session using this port. Now
you should see the UART output in this Telnet session. You can use the
normal Telnet connection to the BDI in parallel, they work completely inde-
pendent. Also input to the UART is implemented.
Note: You cannot use SIO and VIO at the same time.
The TCP/IP port used for the host communication.
The BDI supports 2400 ... 115200 baud
SIO 7 9600 ;TCP port for virtual IO