for Tornado™, BDI2000 (MPC8xx/MPC5xx)
User Manual
© Copyright 1997-2007 by ABATRON AG Switzerland
V 1.38
2.6 Initial configuration of the bdiWind system
Before you can use the bdiWind system, an initial setup has to be done (see Appendix A). During this
setup you define the following items and stores them in the flash memory of the BDI2000.
BDI2000 IP address
The BDI2000 is assigned an individual IP address. Ask your network ad-
ministrator for a free one.
HOST IP address
The IP address of the host with the target configuration file has to be
known by the BDI2000.
Configuration file name
The name (including the path) of the file with the target configuration. The
string entered is used as the filename when accessing the configuration
file via TFTP. Use the naming convention of the host which holds the con-
figuration file.
For more information about using the bdiWind configuration program consult the online help.
Remark: Don't forget to press <Transmit> after you entered the configuration values.
Activating BOOTP:
The BDI can get the network configuration and the name of the configuration file also via BOOTP.
For this simply enter as the BDI’s IP address. If present, the subnet mask and the default gate-
way (router) is taken from the BOOTP vendor-specific field as defined in RFC 1533.
2.7 Testing the BDI2000 to host connection
After the initial setup is done, you can test the communication between the host and the BDI2000.
There is no need for a target configuration file and no TFTP server is needed on the host.
• If necessary, disconnect the BDI2000 system from the Windows PC used for the initial
• If not already done, connect the bdiWind system to the network.
• Power-up the BDI2000.
• Start a Telnet client on the host and connect to the BDI2000 (the IP address you entered dur-
ing initial configuration).
• If everything is okay, a sign on message like «BDI Debugger for Embedded PowerPC» should
be displayed in the Telnet window.