Anti-tilt support
You may operate the max-e only with installed anti-tilt support
If your wheelchair does not have a tilt support, which is standard with most
wheelchair manufacturers, we can equip your wheelchair with the necessary
anti tilt support as an optional accessory of the max-e.
Holding devices for our anti-tilt support are already mounted on the brackets
of the max-e
Attaching and removing the tilt support
Universal holding device
Slide the tilt support
all the way into the holding device
on the max-e.
Lock it with the locking bolt
Push the locking bolt into the drilling on the
holding device while you press the unlocking button
at the top of the lo-
cking bolt. When the locking bolt is inserted all the way you release the un-
locking button on the locking bolt.
Please check whether the locking bolts are tightly secured in the holding
devices. If you can remove the locking bolts without pressing the unlo-
cking button, they are not secured properly
Please make sure that the tilt support is not jammed whenever you use
the max-e.
Please do not drive backwards against a wall with mounted tilt supports
Please note that no tilt support can secure all potentially difficult situa-
tions, thus avoid any instable situations even with mounted tilt supports
To remove the tilt support you press the unlocking button on the locking bolt
while you pull it out. Then take off the tilt support
Multi holding device
Pull the locking bolt
out sidewise and slide the tilt support
all the way
into the holding
on the max-e. Please note the instructions written on the
tilt supports. The one marked with an “R” ist the tilt support for the right
side, the one marked with an “L” is the one for the left side, so that the dril-
lings for the locking bolts correspond
Please make sure that the tilt supports are secured in their respective
holding devices. If you can pull them out, they are not secured properly
Before you start driving make sure that the tilt supports are not jammed
Please do not drive backwards against a wall with mounted tilt supports
Please note that no tilt support can secure all potentially difficult situa-
tions, thus avoid any instable situations even with tilt supports
To remove them you pull out the locking bolts and take them off