Devices menu
Central config. > System service
Central configuration settings for the communication system and other subscribers can be made
here. The settings in this menu require a system password.
The system administrator is advised to make the system password available to a limited group of
subscribers only, to prevent unauthorised changes to the system's configuration.
You can use this menu entry to set the system date and the system time. Select
the entry you want (time with hhmm, date with ddmmyyyy). Select “Save!” to
apply the setting to the system.
DDI barring
This function is used to block or allow direct incoming external calls for two
user groups. If access is blocked, all incoming calls are signalled to the atten-
dant terminal (operator), from where they are transferred to the terminal in
question. If required, contact your system administrator to find out for which
user groups the “DDI barring” feature has been set up.
Call variant
Call variants are used to specify the times at which calls to certain terminals
(e.g. an attendant terminal) are signalled. The system administrator can desi-
gnate each individual call variant, which simplifies their operation. Select the
variant you want from the list. If your communication system was configured
for several companies, first select the company for which you want to set the
call variant. Call variants are set up according to customer requests and require-
ments, with a maximum of ten call variants possible per company.
Examples of call variants
Variant 1: During normal office hours, calls (direct calls, recalls, dropped calls)
are signalled to the attendant terminal.
Variant 2: If the attendant terminal is not manned, the calls are signalled to a
different phone or several different phones (e.g. night service).
Variant 3: During the weekend all calls are signalled to a supervisor/porter.
Alter password
The system service PIN (= system password) can be changed here.