10.0 Measurement in 1D, 2D or 3D
Firmware V 1.0 / © 2005-2013 by Aaronia AG, D-54597 Euscheid, www.aaronia.com
Measurement in 1D, 2D or 3D
All SPECTRAN models feature an integrated 3D measurement coil which allo-
ws isotropic measurement of magnetic fields in all directions (axes) at the same
time. You can also choose whether you
want to measure in only 1 axis (1D), two
axes (2D) or in all 3 axes (3D) simulta-
Likewise, you can also adjust the number
of axes when measuring with the optional
sensor for STATIC magnetic fields (option
When doing measurements in all three
axes (a so-called isotropic measurement),
the spacial orientation of the measuring
instrument has no influence on the mea-
surement results. Therefore, wrong orien-
tation of the measurement instrument and
thus wrong measurement results become impossible. The only disadvantage of
this technology is the higher sweeptime. A 2D or 3D measurement will general-
ly be slower by nature, as obviously the number of necessary sweeps will increa-
se 2- or 3-fold. However, should your instrument be equipped with the DDC opti-
on (option 005), the sweep times in 1D and 2D mode will be the same, as two
channels can be measured at the same time. In 3D mode, likewise, sweep time
will only be twice as long as in 1D mode, and not three times as long as when
not using DDC.
Results of 2D and 3D measurements are calculated as a quadratic mean using
the following formula:
3D (X+Y+Z)
= X² + Y² + Z²
2D (X+Y)
= X² + Y²
2D (Y+Z)
= Y² + Z²
2D (Z+X)
= Z² + X²
In the “Dim“ menu (or key 7), you can select if you wish to measure in 1D, 2D or
3D. The default setting is “1D“.
Please note that during 2D or 3D measurements, both the main
the spectrum display represent the
TRUE quadratic mean of the
single axes
. Hence, it would be wrong to interpret the value shown in the main
display as the quadratic mean of the displayed markers!