Configuring the Controller
Analog Input #5
In this example this is the input configuration screen for the Boiler Loop
Temperature sensor (“Boiler Loop Temp”) when used on Analog Input
#5 (AIN5). Item #1 in
Figure 14
indicates the Boiler Loop Temperature
sensor is configured for a thermistor type sensor with a Fahrenheit output.
All the other configurations are the same as described for the previous
configuration for the Supply Water Temperature sensor.
Figure 16: AIN7 Sensor Screen
Analog Input #7
In this example this is the input configuration screen for the cooling tower
Sump Water Temperature (“Sump Temp”) sensor when used, located
on Analog Input #7 (AIN7). Item #1 in
Figure 16
indicates the Sump
Water Temperature sensor is configured for a thermistor type sensor
with a Fahrenheit output.
All the other configurations are the same as described for the previous
configuration of the Supply Water Temperature sensor.
Analog Input #8
Analog Input #8 (AIN8) is not configured in this typical Central Plant
Controller configuration but could be used for any other sensor applica
tion your project may need.
Analog Input #6
In this example this is the input configuration screen for the Outdoor
Air Humidity sensor (“OAS Humidity”) when used, located on Analog
Input #6 (AIN6). Item #1 in
Figure 15
indicates the “OAS Humidity”
sensor is configured for a 0-5 VDC signal sensor.
Item #2 in
Figure 15
indicates the sensor reading will be in RH percent
and item #3 indicates it will be scaled to a factor of 10 so that tenths of
a percent will be shown in its display. The Outdoor Air Humidity Sensor
would typically be used for information only and would generally not
be used as a control input for the Central Plant Controller.
Item #4 indicates the User Scaling for the sensor has been configured to
“100.0 RH % ” maximum reading and “0.0 %” Minimum Reading. This
should be set to the range of the sensor you are using.
WSHP Loop Controller
GPC-XP Guide