Do not use device with back lid opened.
2. General description
There is a LCD display in the center of Qulon’s front
panel. It is used to show ampere-hour capacity, battery volt-
age and additional information: adjustment coefficient, num-
ber of recorded measurements and current croup of records.
Qulon has memory for recording results of battery tests. The
maximum number of recorded results is 200. User is free to
separate recorded results to as many as 26 groups.
If it is impossible to estimate battery capacity because
of some reasons, alarms are shown at the display.
There are two control buttons on the front panel to the
left of display.
Right panel of Qulon is the place for test cable con-
nector. Qulon is supplied with special test cables that use
four-wire (Kelvin) connection. This type of connection is used
in order to diminish contact resistance influence on the devise
There is a connection diagram under the back lid of
the device.