The life of lead acid batteries is limited to several
years and while working batteries loose capacity. When the
battery capacity becomes unacceptably small, battery needs
to be replaced. It is exceptionally important to determine
correct time of battery replacement. If a battery is replaced
too early – the owner of a battery looses money. If a battery is
replaced too late, the loss could be even larger.
Qulon-12m - lead acid battery capacity indicator is a
device for battery capacity estimation. With Qulon, one can
sort 12-volt batteries by their capacity and reject batteries that
have lost capacity.
Memory for keeping test results helps user during
testing large amount of batteries.
The battery capacity estimation is based on the de-
pendence between battery capacity and battery ability to con-
duct electric current. Battery capacity indicator sends a test
pulse to a battery and analyses the battery answer. Qulon-
12m utilises the most up-to-date method of battery capacity
estimation taking into account the multifrequency battery re-
sponse to test pulses.
Different battery producers use different technologies
and battery designs. Therefore, the dependence between test
pulse form and value and battery answer form and value
could be slightly different. That is why Qulon-12m is not a
high precision device for capacity measurement. It estimates
battery capacity basing on electrical measurement and